Thursday, August 1, 2013

Day 56 on 1 August - Living Without My Darling Husband

Eh darling - everything of yours in the house remain as they were.  For some stupid reason, I just cant bear to keep them away.  I dont know why but inside my heart I hope you will come back though I know you wont!

This morning I spoke with the lawyer and I'm going to meet him tomorrow to sort out my Will.  Also, will be collecting a temporary letter from the Subordinate Courts to allow me the authority to sell your car.  So far I have yet to contact LTA to find out how and what I should do to get the car transferred to a buyer.  There are still so much more to do without a Will!

Then this morning it rained rather heavily around 3 am and thank goodness, it drizzled when Mikaail was about ready to go to school.  Then we had the same problem like yesterday with the taxi.  Though we waited for the taxi, it didnt come!  So annoying and we had to book another.

Anyhow Comfort customer service personnel called me this morning and told me the disciplinary action taken against the taxi driver who supposedly picked a different passenger yesterday.  Unfortunately, he got a black mark in his record!  We ended up paying more for the ride yesterday due to heavy traffic as we only managed to get one after 7 am.  This delay also caused me to arrive later than my preferred time plus I had to pay the full MRT fare instead of the discounted fare or free MRT ride!  The Comfort customer service personnel said she was going to send me a $10 Comfort Voucher as a token for the inconvenience caused.

So tomorrow I wont be booking taxis via the Comfort/Citycab apps!  So unreliable - twice in a row!  I will be calling Transcab to book the taxi as there is an operator who picks up the call and I can cancel the booking if necessary.  Comfort/Citycab Apps do not allow cancellation once booked.

Then next week is a short working week due to the Hari Raya Puasa and National Day.  I've decided to hang out at one of the World's  Best Airports!

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