Monday, August 26, 2013

Day 81 on 26 August: Living Without My Darling Husband

Hey Darling

Mikaail is missing you and I doubt he comprehends the meaning of death!  The past couple of days he had asked for you.  He doesn't even know how to mourn for you!  I've only told him that you have gone to Heaven!  He's unusually quiet and eats very little too!

This morning before I left for work, I reminded him that you are in Heaven and that he must be a good boy.  He must eat and drink more so as not to get sick.

I'm really not sure what you would have wanted me to do now.  As you know it gets really stressful caring for him but that doesn't mean I won't give him the care and love.  If only we had discussed this option in advance!  At least I told you what I was going to do with your car!  So I did make an extra $2K and not just break even as what you said!  I'll get the refund of the insurance but road tax was a loss as I cant get the refund!

Who would have thought that the low risk procedure could turned fatal?  At the end of the day, on one hand, I'm glad that you didnt have to hang on to life.  What if you survived the ordeal but didnt come home a complete person?  The doctor did say they may need to amputate your right hand as the nerves were dead and gangrene may set in.  Or you could still be medically alive but ...

I'm missing you so much!!
Your wife

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