Sunday, August 25, 2013

Day 80 on 25 August: Living Without My Darling Husband

Hey Darling

Something is so wrong with Mikaail today.  He hardly eat much today and is also very quiet.  He was also looking for you!

I found this while clearing out the stuff from your car the other day.  Mariah said no point keeping it then I felt the sudden sadness in my heart!

We've always been together on weekends and I supposed both Mikaail and I are still not coming to terms with not having you physically in the home.

Other than going to school and work, it is very tough to move on without you!  I no longer look forward to weekends and public holidays. In fact these are the days I feel more stress as the full responsibility of taking care of Mikaail falls on me entirely since Mariah goes home.

Do remember to visit (in my dreams!) ok!  

Luv ya!

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