Sunday, August 18, 2013

Day 73 on 18 August: Living without My Darling Husband


Did you ever meet Irfan, your parents and mine?  Please send my love to all of them!  Kiss and hug Irfan for me ok!

Another hot day today!  Thought could bring Mikaail out to Causeway Point to take photo for his IC but I'll probably just melt under the sun!  Will ask Mariah to bring him to the photo shop on their way home from school this week!

Mikaail had fits again while having his lunch today.  Though there's not much more I could do to help him get over the fits, it makes a lot of difference when you are around regardless.

I'll always love you & you'll always be in my heart.  Please remember me always!  When will you meet me??

Luv, your beloved wife

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