Sunday, August 11, 2013

Day 66 on 11 August: Living Without My Darling Husband

Hey Darling

Nowadays our weekends and holidays are extremely depressing!  Not sure if you know.  We miss you very much!

Gone are the days when we could go out as a complete family!  Now its just me and Mikaail.  I brought him out to JEM yesterday after his medical appointment at Tan Tock Seng Hospital.  Nowadays when I bring Mikaail out, I usually take the MRT too.  I try not to depend on anyone else or even the taxis unless no choice.  For school, they have to take taxi or it will be super difficult for them to go to school.

You were ever the thoughtful and loving one to me.  Now my life feels so empty and alone.  Though some of them try to comfort me, no one really understand my inner feelings.  It will take time to heal my broken heart I am sure.  I didnt even realise that I have been so dependent on you all these years until you are gone!  If only I could turn back clock!

I always thought we would grow old together and holding hands when we walk!  You just dont know how lonely I am now.  Even while I sleep, you are always in my heart.  I long for your touch, your embrace, your kiss and to hear you say that you love and missed me.

Love you always!

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