Monday, August 19, 2013

Day 74 on 19 August: Living without My Darling Husband


First thing first - I've sold off your car!  Yippee and you should be proud of me as it was pretty much my own effort!  Remember that I told you I will sell off your car if you kicked the bucket before me?  Unfortunately I had no choice but to sell of the car as the car is of no use to me!  This is the last picture I took with the car!

Anyway, I went online to sgcarmart to advertise, got a broker who sourced for car dealers to buy the car.  All done in a span of less than 2 weeks from the time we got the interim probate letter to sell the car.  I've just met up with the car dealer to collect the cheque.

This morning while I was travelling on the MRT, something about you hit me and I just started crying!  Trying to recall what was it but couldnt figure it out.

Hey, I heard that you paid a visit at TP.  Did you?  Why?

Anyway, I'm trying to reach out to you!  Hope to see you in my dreams ok.  One of my colleagues told me that if you dont come back it's because you are at peace.  I hope you are at peace but do sometimes say Hi to me in my dreams.  I miss you much!

Luv you always

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