Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Day 62 on 7 Aug: Living without My Darling Husband

Hey darling

Today's session in school was a two hour session for the National Day celebration for the children. Mariah got all the face tattoos from the National Day Preview which she went to last weekend.  All dressed up for the party in school!

We're still unable to get a regular driver to pick them to school so will have to see how it goes next week. There was one other driver who said he may be able to pick them to school after his taxi is repaired this week.

Initially Mariah thought of not going to school as it was for 2 hours.  I told her as Mikaail enjoys such activities then they should go and not worry about the taxi fare!  I would rather minimise cost elsewhere!

You know this morning when I was in the MRT,  I managed to get a seat but it was at the Reserved Seat!  Since there was no other passenger who needs the seat more than I do, I sat there till midway through my journey when the passenger next to me got off.  I immediately swapped seats.  Then something in my mind went nuts and I just cried and I couldnt stop my tears!!

I bought these flowers for you.  I don't know if you can see them from up above.  Where are you actually dear?  I am feeling as if you are away and I will at some point see you again.  Eh, see me in my dreams ok!  I missed you very much and really, 20 years is not a short time!  I really feel so abandoned!


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