Monday, July 1, 2013

Letter to Heaven - Day 25

Though I know you are never coming back, I am terribly missing you.  Today is the 25th day since you've been gone.  I am yearning for you and my tears will just roll down my cheeks by just thinking of you!    Don't you miss me at all, dear?

I've been searching and reading articles on Life After Death.  Some feel that all “good people” go to heaven or some form of paradise once they die, and that all “bad people” go to hell.  Some believe that only the good dies young and that the body dies, while the soul moves on to a “different plane of existence.”  You are definitely a good person but leaving us all so soon is heart breaking for me!  How do I mend my broken heart?

Right now I am still finding it rather difficult to overcome my sadness.  You've been a part of me for the past 20 years and we practically spend all of our time together other than at work.  So now that you are no longer here, the emptiness is overwhelming!

I guess I needed to see you in my dreams and at the same time I am no sure if I am really ready to see your your reaction!  Based on the forums I've read, most do not look for their wives!!

I know time will heal all broken hearts and right now it really is unbearable! Yes, I believe you would be disappointed if I dont stay strong for Mikaail.  I have to.  I've promised you that I will stay strong when I told you to let go.  It is all to sudden and I had no choice to ask you to let go.  The doctors said the vital organs are failing and they may have to amputate the arms once gangrene sets in.

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