Sunday, July 14, 2013

Day 38 on 14 July

Weekends are now my lonely days and I dont look forward to any of them anymore!  It's day 38 today and there's just me, Mikaail and my helper.  Thought I cry lesser now, I still cry for you and I miss you very much!  I will cry over the slightest happy thoughts I have of you and I still can’t accept that you left me so suddenly.

I've decided to find out more about the counselling that my boss, Jordi, had spoken to my office HR director about.  I dont know what they can do.  I'm having trouble adjusting to all the everyday stresses in life with you no longer around to support me.

When I talked about closure it was more about not knowing what is happening to you in the other world!  I am hoping that I dream of you and for you to tell me that you are ok there and that you still loved us.  I'm not sure if there will ever be a closure as I dont want to forget you at all.  I still have vision of you in my mind and that's why I always cry when I think of these memorable times!

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