Saturday, July 27, 2013

Day 50 & 51 - Life without My Darling

Gosh!  So fast you've been gone for 51 days and I am still struggling to come to terms with your departure!  Worst days now are the weekends as there are just us!  The emptiness is sometimes driving me nuts!  I used to love weekends most but now I dont look forward to them anymore.  I dont even do my grocery shopping as well.  I keep to once a day on a weekday evening after I am back from work.

I went to meet with the counsellor yesterday on the 50th day of your demise.  I wanted to know what he could advise me on handling the lonely weekends but nothing!

Did you know that although I was keeping track of the days, I didnt realise that yesterday was my pay day!  Is it good or bad?  It's bad because usually I would have prepared the bill summary in advance.  This morning I had to rush to do list the bills.  Then after lunch, I brought Mikaail and Marie to Woodlands Civic Centre to pay the bills at the AXS machine.

I'll be going over to your new home next Monday.  It was supposed to be our leave day for celebration but I guess it was never meant to be.  I'm sad and I cant understand why God took you away from me so soon and without warning!

Since you've been gone, I've not done any updates on my websites as I just cant focus!  I know you wouldnt want me to wallow in my sadness but without my pillar how do I move on?

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