Monday, June 17, 2013

Letter to My Darling

Hey Darling

Where have you been?  I’ve not sense your presence since the day you left us.  I hope you are in a much better place than here.

Did you know that I miss you very much?  Did you miss us too?  I’ve told Mikaail that you’ve gone to heaven and will meet my mum and that we will see you soon.  I told him that he must always remember that you are in his heart.  I think he also misses you as just last Saturday, he asked me if dada is busy!  He kinda of expecting you home!  He had his burst of “short circuits” over the past weekend.   Mariah was nice to stay behind but I told her to go home last Saturday and take a break!

I’m truly sorry that I was not with you when you took your last breath!  I truly am.  I didn’t expect you to leave so soon as the doctors were still hoping that there may be a glimmer of hope.  I did tell them your wish of not being on the life support machine and they told me they have to monitor first.  I had a quick breakfast at the cafeteria and when I got back into the ward at approximately 9 am, the doctor told me that you had just left.

Sometimes I cry myself to sleep as I am still grappling with your demise.  It’s all too sudden!

Tomorrow I am going to meet the lawyers to sort out the Grant Letters of Administration since there’s no Will. Also, going to follow up with the Pathologist as I couldn’t make out what on earth caused this sudden death!  They should follow NTUC Income policies where these are now worded in layman terms !

Oh ya, Allan had been a great help!  So far, seems like he is the only insurance agent who actually met his client in the hospital plus help to complete the claims forms, go to the insurance company to submit the papers!  I was told that even Mazlan and Andy had to do the claims themselves!

Luv Ya Always

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