Sunday, June 16, 2013

The Day My World Crumbled!

My world crumbled on Wednesday, 5 June 2013.  A relatively routine procedure (angiogram) turned fatal for my husband of almost 20 years!  My husband complained of chest pains possibly a couple of weeks prior to his demise on Friday, 7 June 2013.

I still can’t believe that a relatively routine procedure turned fatal.  Yes, the cardiologist did tell us that it is a low risk procedure with 1% risk.  1% risk means for every 100 patients, 99 of them will go through this procedure without any issues and 1 patient is expected to encounter some issues.  Why does it have to be him?  Why am I so unfortunate?  People tell me that it is fate.  Yes, everything can be considered fate.  Some say those whom God loves, die young!  Whichever way, I’ve lost my soul mate!  If only I can turn back clock!

I don’t think he has any idea that the lunch I had with him was the last lunch.  No one could!  If he knew, I doubt we would have gone ahead with the procedure at all as we were totally unprepared!  We had an early lunch possibly around 11:20 am thereabouts.  His last meal was the Indian Muslim food from the hospital!

About 2 hours after lunch, he complained of severe chest pains.  I called the nurse and then the nurse asked him to describe the level of pain on a scale of 1 – 10.  He said 10!  The nurse then asked me to leave the room and she got the doctors into the room.  That was about the last time I saw him alive!

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