Saturday, June 15, 2013

In Loving Memory of the Love of My Life – Alex Tan

We’ve been happily married for almost two decades!  We’ve made plans for a cruise holiday to celebrate our 20th wedding anniversary on board the Royal Caribbean Cruise ship on 11-12-13 – a date which happens only once in a lifetime.  The only reason for the delay in making this reservation is that we’ve not decided whether to book one or 2 rooms!

Yes, we do have our frustration with each other at times and we do have many happy moments together both as a couple and family.  We always remind each other we have to be healthy and strong for our son, Mikaail, who has multiple disabilities.  When the doctor told me that his liver, kidney and heart are failing, I told him to let go and promised him that I will take care of Mikaail.

For 20 years he had been the love of my life, my pillar of strength, support, confidante, shopping companion, fashion consultant, personal driver, doting father to Mikaail, and the list goes on!  In a sudden turn of events, I lost him!  How do I start to pick up the pieces?  Why am I so unfortunate?  I now have to do everything by myself!  Yes, I do have family support from both sides of the family plus great friends and colleagues including my boss but nothing like having him with me.

He spent a good part of his life working in a company he believes in and dedicated his life to - 7-11.  This obituary appeared in The Straits Times on Wednesday, 12 June 2013.

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