Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Missing You Much!


I almost melted under the hot sun today!  You've always ferried me to wherever I need to go and now I'm pretty much doing all these solo!  I now got to also check the mailbox and struggled to lock it back!  My fingers turned red just trying to lock the damn mailbox and I had half a mind to just leave it opened!  So frustrating.

So far Jaye have accompanied me to High Court, Subordinate Court and Legal Aid.  Andy met me at the Mortuary last week and then accompanied me to collect the Coroner's report from HSA main office last week.  I'm pleased with myself that I went to HSA on my own as I didnt want to trouble any of them.  Also, I need to be independent and travel by MRT as far as I possible.  You know how I hate taking a cab and waste $ right?  Anyway, so far it's been manageable.

MRT was really slow today.  We went from home to Kembangan and took us almost a good hour to get there!  The first lawyer we went to, told us that in order to get the Grant Letter of Administration for the car, unit trust and your bank account, the fees would be at least $6,000.  The fees could be higher depending on the assets!  Dont know why they all say a car is an asset!  How could a car be an asset when the value depreciates??

Then I called another lawyer, Faizal, who was referred by Sue, Yati's friend.  Remember Hashim's friend, Joe?  Sue is Joe's wife - friend of both Hashim and Yati.  Anyway, Yati asked Jaye how is the lawyer and she said good looking!  After his explanation on the process and his fees are lower by almost $1.5K, I decided to proceed with him.  Actually I wanted to ask him if I can pay his fees by credit card with interest free instalment but he said no need pay full yet, just a deposit of $1.5 first.

The other reason is he said he may be able to get the temporary letter for me to transfer the car to my name and then I can sell the car.  But it wont be until at least 6 - 8 weeks from today.  I had to take an oath as well in the lawyer's office today to confirm that I am your lawfully wedded wife and Mikaail is our son!  New style of oath taking.  The Commissioner of Oath just came to the lawyer's office, asked me if I have read the document and if everything indicated in the document correct.  If correct, sign the document then he signed it and stamp.  Cost me $20.

Oh ya, disbursement of court documents fees are excluded from the lawyers fees!

So you see, if only we did do the Will and yes, it was my procrastination that led to this!

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