Monday, June 24, 2013

Hello Darling on 24 June 2013

Missing you much!!  Today is the 18th day since you've left and I'm really finding it tough.  I'm still having some difficulties managing without you.  I thought I was doing fine then while in the MRT this morning, something triggered my emotions and suddenly I started crying!  My tears just kept on flowing.  Yes, I get emotional just thinking of you and all the things we do together.  I feel that I've been abandoned!

Where are you love?  I'm not sure why I have yet to dream of you.  Don't you miss me too?  When my mum passed on, I dreamed of her soon after.

Are you upset with me?  I'm truly sorry if you are.  I know we did agree on not wanting the life support but I wanted to be fair to you in case you can make it as I cant believe you wont be able to pull through.  Also, I'm really sorry that I was not by your bedside when you took your last breath.  I'm truly sorry about this as I didnt expect you to go so quickly!

I'm not sure if I should be happy for you if you are happy over there.   I am hoping that I will meet you in my dreams so you can let me know how you are doing.  Please tell me what you would like me to do from here on.  I am totally lost and I seek refuge at work to distract myself!

Luv ya always!

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