Thursday, September 9, 2010

Patterns of Excellence

I attended a 3.5 day personal empowerment workshop known as Patterns of Excellence with Adam Khoo Learning Technologies Group in March 2009.  I feel everyone should go, even if its not for the workshop, at least go and listen to the preview. Trust me, you will really feel that you want to discover more!

Here is my Personal Mission:

I am an honest, quiet and loving person and my mission is to:
  1. be a more patient person so I can fully love and care for my family especially my son, Mikaail.
  2. be healthy, fit and energetic so I can enjoy life to the fullest and have the energy to pursue all my goals. I will do this by exercising regularly on my urobic machine and stationary bicycle at least half an hour a day, follow a nutritious diet plan, reduce the high cholesterol intake of food, eliminate negative habits that are impacting my health.

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