Sunday, September 12, 2010

Patterns of Excellence - Next Step

I have signed up for the Patterns of Excellence Module 2 workshop. In this Module, there is the phobia bit where you would be able to get rid of your phobia within 25 - 45 minutes, as indicated in the brochure.

I am not sure if I really want to get rid of the phobia as I would have to face it first before I can get rid of it! I am so damn frightened that I have been thinking of this phobia since I heard that the trainers will have real stuff that people would generally have phobia on.

Then, like the Law of Attraction, the more I think about it, the more this phobia keep appearing in the newspapers and TV traillers!

To know what this phobia is, stay tune to my posts. I will have pictures of them as well.

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