Thursday, September 16, 2010

Getting Rid of Phobias

It's been almost a year since I've attended both modules of Patterns of Excellence workshop conducted by Adam Khoo Learning Technology. The funny thing is I felt a sense of emptiness especially after 5 days of all the hyper activities and surrounded by very positive people all around!

Overcoming my phobia issue still seem so fresh in my mind. I am very pleased with myself that I have managed to conquer my phobia of snakes. Prior to participating in this phobia cure, I would usually say "the thing" and everyone around me knows what that means. It seems really strange that I can now write the word, snake, with a slight squeamish feeling although it did feel kind of uncomfortable.

Can you believe this is me with the snake on my shoulders?  I would not have been a metre away from the snake in the first place had I not attended the Patterns of Excellence Module 2.  Yes, I do look scared and I do.  This is the first time I ever had a snake on me!  Honestly, at least the yellow one dont look so scary.  I doubt I would have done the same thing with the black one which was brought into the classroom in the first place.

I had expected the soft toy version of a snake - like the one in Ikea but they used the real thing!
Looking back at what I went through during the fast phobia cure, it was a really very "trying" experience! I've put the word "trying" in quotes as this is a forbidden word in the class and if you are caught using it, you will be penalised and it is quite drastic. I heard from some of my team mates that I really behaved like a kid, jumping and screaming and they were quite shocked actually seeing the process I went through. One of them was worried that I might just go bananas!

I was prepared to have a go at the cure since the cure will be managed by the master himself, Stuart rather than any others. I have a lot of confidence in him and he is extremely patient. Stuart did ask me before I took to the stage whether I was ready for the cure. I told him that I cant say for sure that I am really ready for it as I would like to give it a shot. If I dont do it at the POE 2, I know that I wont do it anywhere else.

Here's my account of the process:

The whole process took about 3 hours instead of the usual 45 minutesand I felt really guilty to have kept all my team mates into the early hours! When I read the manual, it indicated something like between 25 - 45 minutes but I thought probably 1 hour! Luckíly all of them were so supportive and was not a bit upset with me. I really appreciate their thoughtfulness. Stuart was very professional in handling this situation and I am really glad to have had this golden opportunity and extremely grateful for his guidance and patience!!

We started off on a very casual chat with him asking me about my favourite colour - which is pastel pink, my favourite snack - marshmellows. Cant remember what he asked me but I told him that I am basically someone who is very "manja"ie who loves to be hugged lovingly and usually my husband will "sayang-sayang"me. As for friends, some of them would put their arms around me and even hug me. In my mind, I remembered them hugging me to comfort me when my son, Mikaail was in the ICU undergoing a major operation. This was a very traumatic experience which is still fresh in my mind!

Then he asked me close my eyes and to imagine being in a cinema and I was the only one in the cinema, also as the person in the movie as well as the director of the show. I vaguely remembered that he asked me to imagine that I was in the movie. I recalled telling him that I could see forest with big trees, a brown wooden house and the snake. Not sure when I started shivering and my team mates told me they could see me shivering. For them to be able to see me shivering on the stage so strongly is really embarassing. Wish there was a video taken of it so I could see and really share this experience with my husband.

My husband picked me up after class as always and I spent a good 20 minutes telling him about the cure. He was also proud that I actually held the snake. Good thing I had a picture of the snake and me taken using my mobile phone. Most of the photos taken of the phobia was taken courtesy of one of the coaches, Jacklyn.

I remembered Stuart asking me to breathe and guided me through the breathing process. When I came out of this shivering bout, we had little discussion on unrelated topic which is known as break state. While chit chatting, I noted that he made a signal to the coaches and I assumed that it meant for the snake to be brought into the classroom. When I saw the door opened and someone coming in with the snake, I panicked and started running to the corner of the stage and jumping.

Seems that I must have toppled the table or something as I could hear the noises and some people coming onto the stage. I could remember I was crying and screaming. I just kept on crying and screaming. I did hear him shouting at me to "stop it" at least twice and to "shut up" and "scream". Funny thing is I just kept on screaming but when he told me to scream I kept quiet! I remembered pulling his t-shirt to cover my face though.

Anyway, I heard that I had a cup of water splashed on me! No wonder my t-shirt was a little wet but I thought it was due to the jug of water that fell off the table. The things I go through to cure this phobia! Looking back I must have looked really silly - I think more like an idiot!

I did think of stopping the process. However, Stuart said that as we are so far into this phobia cure, it would be in my best interest to continue. He is concerned that my phobia will get intensified if I didnt continue. I didnt want this to happen so decided to go ahead with it. With his assurance that he will be with me all the way, I decided to be brave and proceed.

I was told that at one point I hyperventilated and had to be helped to a chair! Sound scary! These are parts that I am not aware of. I had to ask my team mates as I had very vague memory of these sessions!

Stuart is really patient and he allowed me to decide on how close the snake should be before I am ready to really touch it. It was very gradual. When the snake owner eventually brought the snake close to the stage, I first screamed that I didnt want the snake to be that close. Stuart is so thoughtful and he took me step by step at my own pace to touch the snake. I held his finger first to hold it in order that I do not touch it directly though I will be close enough to see the snake.

I asked him to hold my finger to touch the snake before I eventually touched the snake with my finger. Up to now, I could still feel the sensation of the first touch of the snake. See what the mind can do! I've decided that since I've gone so far, I will make the effort to take a look at the photos taken with the snake on my shoulder.

This is me with Stuart and the snake. To summarise, I feel that I have conquered at least 80% of my phobia. Even when I looked at the photos in my phone and suddenly when this picture appears, I do get a little jittery. I then convince myself that it is ok.

I strongly encourage you to sign up for the Patterns of Excellence course. Once you are able to clear your phobia, you will be able to see things in a different perspective.

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