Saturday, September 11, 2010

My Phobia - Pre POE Mod 2

As I am writing this post, my most concerning thoughts are how am I supposed to manage my phobia at the POE Mod 2 session. I am terrified just thinking that this thing will be in the class and there will be my classmates who will be holding it. I did think about withdrawing from this session altogether as I am afraid of making a fool of myself in front of so many of my classmates.

This aside, will I be able to overcome this phobia? What if I cant? I believe that I could die of shock if not anything else! If I can, then there is no issue but ... Also, I had wanted to work on testing out the submodalities, swish pattern but was worried that I would have to bring this thing closer to me before I could dump it away!

I needed to get assurance that I wont be left alone by myself. Like I told one of my colleagues, I am very "teh" so I really needed this assurance that there will be someone to hold and sort of sayang me there! The other night during the booster session, I didnt feel this assurance was something that the coaches practice or even preach! Seems like I would need to get a hold of it myself!

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