Friday, September 17, 2010

After the Phobia Cure

Its been more than a year now since the phobia cure session. Memories are still quite fresh in my head. My family and even my maid couldnt believe that I managed 2 conquer my phobia of the snake.

They were surprised that I was able to go through the whole process.  I even had the snake on my shoulder! My husband thought I might back out or probably conquer only 30% - maybe see the snake from a distance and not holding it. He knows that I will be well taken care of since this cure will be handled bythe master trainer himself ie Stuart Tan. What a pity there was no video recording otherwise it will be nice to see the bit that I had no recollection of.
See my finger touching the snake!

Snake on my shoulder -
of course with the master trainer,
Stuart Tan

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