Saturday, September 11, 2010

Why Must I Change?

This session in the Patterns of Excellence Module 1 is quite intimidating. First, I didnt think there is anything that I should, need, must or want to change! Honestly, I dont think there is anything that I should, want or need to! So I thought the best is to skip this session so I asked to be excused. Of course, as expected, it is not an option. Apparently, every participant has to go through this session.

The demo between the trainer and coach gave me the shivers. I felt that there is really no basis for them to be screaming at each other so I got really nervous. I know that I definitely will breakdown and to do this in front of strangers would be a disaster for me!! I partnered another emotional person and obviously this didnt work! We got separated and both of us partnered our coaches - even more traumatic! Then I did the next best thing - sat on the floor and covered my ears and face as I didnt want to hear the coach screaming at me!

My trainer, Stuart Tan, came over and talked to me. I told him about my feelings towards my son. There is nothing any of the so-called medical professionals could do to correct the wrong!  I felt very cheated as instead of them saving his life with quality, they save his life with no quality whatsoever!

What I learned from this session is that in order for me to be happy, I must first be happy for myself then I can share my happiness with my family. I used to think that it does not matter if I am happy or not so long as my family is happy!

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