Monday, September 20, 2010

My Life Transformation Experience - POE2

I've completed my Patterns of Excellence Module 2 on 12 April 2009 after spending almost 5 days. It's a course I would encourage every person to attend! Make time for it as your life will change for better! It is a life transformation experience I must say. I am glad that I attended it.
In a nutshell, I experienced the swinging log which is quite a tough walk on a beam hanging by a rope above ground by about 1 foot. Then the coaches will be kicking the beam, shaking it while you walk without having anything to support the walk. The point of this exercise is that life is not a bed or roses and they will be rough times. You are reminded to focus on your goals in order that you can work towards your goals. I completed it after my fourth or fifth attempt.
As for the high beam, it looks really easy as every participant looked so happy on the beam. When I went on the beam, it was different altogether. The scaffolding was made of stainless steel and therefore slippery. To make it worst, I guess it was because my shoes were full of mud and this added to the climb much harder. As I got up the scaffolding, my team mates were chanting some empowering phrases"like Rock Me, while I walked on the beam, they chanted, "Believe in Yourself, Focus, Balance, Keep Walking", on my way down, I cant recall what I had wanted them to chant.
Once I reached the top and before taking the first step on the beam, I froze. I didnt want to let go of the scaffolding. Then I talked to myself, either I let go of my hand, lose focus and fall which means, I would have to go up the scaffolding all over again. Alternatively, focus and take the chance to go on walking and do my best. I also remembered what Stuart did to help me overcome the phobia by taking baby steps. I did precisely that ie baby steps. One small step on the beam at a time and to keep looking at the big red dot!

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