Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Day 222 on 15 January 2014: Living Without My Darling Husband

Attended the coronary inquiry today on the cause of your death.  I must say that I am really disappointed with the outcome though I was told to be prepared for it.  Your death was eventually recorded as death due to known complications arising out of the angioplasty!

Complication is a very general word to term anything else that cannot be properly explained!

I asked Dr Chin about the medicated stents and why these were chosen over the normal stents.  Dr Chin's response was that medicated stents have less than 5% chance of re-narrowing while the normal stents have an approximately 20% chance of renarrowing over a 6-month period.  Articles on Google relating to the medicated stents showed:

Dissected valve:  Strangely when Dr Aaron Wong asked me if I know that you had dissected valve.  Was this due to someone carelessness?  The dissected valve didnt show up in the pathologist, Dr George Paul's report.  His report indicated that the valves were "grossly normal"!

Why was bypass not carried out when the first procedure resulted in the chest pains?  Did the cardiac surgeons made the wrong diagnosis by getting the doctors to stabilise heart?  If the cardiac surgeons had proceeded with the bypass/open heart surgery, perhaps you might have a chance!

Looking back Mikaail lost his vision through some screw up process by the medical professionals too!  You lost your life while seeking treatment to prolong your life!  Was there ever any mention of oral medication in the first place?  I don't recall this part - did you?

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