Friday, January 17, 2014

Day 223 on 16 January 2014: Living Without My Darling Husband

Family and friends told me to move on.  Sure.  Time dont stand still for anyone!  Even if I choose not to move time still moves!  I still have Mikaail to be cared for.  At our last meal together in the ward, we didnt even chat very much except you told me what Dr Chin told you ie position of the stents plus the use of medicated stents and how you were concerned over the costs!  Total bill came up to over $60K!

I feel that your death now is a statistics in their records of a failed procedure or perhaps that you are in the 1% risk group!  I asked myself many times before I went to the inquest.  What was I expecting to hear?  I supposed more answers to what really happened in the lab ie who caused the real screw up.  The coroner said complications arising out of the procedure.  Sure, one general term to sum up.  As good as saying it's fated!

So how do I move on from here?  I no longer have you for my pillar to lean on for support!  Believe it or not, despite you being gone for 223 days, today, I sometimes forget that you are gone!  Please come and visit!

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