Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Day 229 on 22 January 14: Living without my darling husband

Stressful start at home. Though it is the usual commotion, it's worst now since you are no longer around!  Just think for a moment how stressful it is for me!  Urgh!!!!!

We may have a regular taxi though this driver didnt want to commit to the regular pick up.  The past 3 days he had waited for us at the taxi stand though.  This morning after he dropped them off at school, he told them "see you tomorrow".  Hopefully he can pick them up regularly as it does save me some time too.

It still hurts whenever I think of you.  There had never been a day when I didnt shed tears when thinking of you!  20 years of our lives together and suddenly you were taken away from me!  Why did it has to be you?  I told Dr Chin that you went to the hospital for treatment in the hope of prolonging your life.  Instead you lost your life in the process.  How ironic is this?  If you didnt seek treatment and kick the bucket, perhaps it might have been easier for me to accept your death.  I would probably be pissed off with you though possibly since you didnt seek treatment.  I really feel so cheated, dumped, ditched all rolled into one!

Whenever I looked at our photos together you looked so alive and all the happy memories start flooding my mind again!  Very heartbroken!

I now need to do so many things by myself or without any discussion with anyone!  Mikaail is still waiting for you.  I've managed to get an appointment for Mikaail to see the psychiatrist. I am also in the midst of getting a replacement helper as Marie's contract is ending soon.

Please take us with you!

Luv ya always!!!

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