Saturday, September 21, 2013

Loving You Always


Mikaail said "Missed Da Da" and I said ya, mama too!  You don't know how much your demise affected both of us terribly or did you?  How is it at the other side of the world?  I'm just hoping that you will come back and we are all happy together again!  Can this be real?  Even if both of us kick the bucket now, does it mean we will be together again?

It's the F1 weekend and if you were here, I know you would buy us the F1 bags, t-shirts, etc.  There's so much great memories you left behind.  Worst was we didnt get to spend an time together after the lunch!  I felt damn shortchanged you know!!

I've stopped counting the number of days you've left us as I know you are never going to come back to us.  There is just such a huge emptiness in our lives now.

The other day, the spray pipe had a leak and I had to changed it!  Wasn't sure how to do it but I did it anyway and it worked!



I've also oiled the keyhole to the mailbox and it's been working fine now.   I've been collecting the mails daily too.  In fact I've left the can of WD40 in the mailbox so the moment there is a slight feel of tightness, I will just spray the keyhole.

Oh btw, I intend to pay a visit at your new home this coming Friday then I'll go back to office.

Remember & luv us always!!

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