Thursday, September 26, 2013

Love You Always - 26 September 2013


I missed you so much!  I see you in my mind's eyes stretching out your hands in the hospital clothes after your procedure ie the last time I see you happy!  I feel so empty and no purpose in my life now and I know that I must continue living just for Mikaail.  You know when you were alive, at least I have you to share my daily activities with.  Maybe I shouldnt have terminated your mobile phone so at least I can still sms to you!  I didnt want to end up paying for something that I have no need to use!

A colleague told me that there are couples who were married for much longer than our 20 years but didnt spend too much time together.  So in a way, she said it was like our time was condensed!  Oh ya, I also reminded her about getting a Will as it will save her money and time in future.  She would need to do 2 Wills, I supposed one for herself and another for hubby!

Then another friend told me that she hardly spent much time with her hubby!  I encouraged her to join her husband in doing the things he enjoys then perhaps slowly draw him into her activity.  I told her that we used to go out on weekends together with our son.  So with you gone, I would have to take Mikaail out on my own now as I wouldnt want to keep him at home other than to school!

I missed also practising the Rumba with you.  I'm sure Rumba  would have been our regular activity but now it is collecting dust on your computer table!  On weekday nights as soon as I get home, I have my shower then I prepare the juicing vegetables/fruits, fix the juicer, juice the vegetables/fruits then wash the machine!  Mikaail do enjoy the vegetable juices too and its good for him as he hardly eat vegetables!

There are so many changes on the work front.  Juicy news and I cant talk to you about this now!  It's all bottled up inside me.  Also with all these changes, I might just quit working earlier than I had originally planned.

Luv me!

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