Monday, September 9, 2013

Day 95 on 9 Sept: Living Without My Darling Husband


It's school holiday this week and also your 100 days prayers!  I'll probably take leave this Friday to get some of the groceries for Saturday's prayers.

Oh ya, your eldest brother's wife passed away this afternoon and 3rd brother's wife said I shouldnt go as it is still within 100 days of your demise.  

While I was at work today, Mariah called to say that there were 2 social workers from NHC at home!  I was rather shocked.  There was no appointment nor a call from them relating to the visit.  Anyway, looking back, I would say that NHC is full of surprises!

  1. A routine procedure conducted by a senior consultant resulted in death
  2. A social worker who had no sense of urgency suddenly decided to call me while I am at work and thinks nothing of causing further distress to me.
  3. Her supervisor who made a surprise visit to our home today and was even more surprised when I told her that I am at work!
My intention was to follow up with the social worker who called me 2 months after you had passed away but there were some issues I need to settle first.  I feel that they do have some form of process they are following relating to your death.  Why wait 2 months before they call then 1 month after their first call?  Thought process?

I probably take leave to meet them this Wednesday together with Jaye and possibly, Andy.  Not decided yet but that's the plan for now.

See you tonight.
Luv ya always!!

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