Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Loving You Always - 24 Sep 13


I know that if you are still here with me, you would be so proud of your wife!  I've "recycled" the broccoli and celery pulp and add these to the mashed potato and tuna flakes then add egg to make into tiny pancakes otherwise potato balls.

Ever since you are gone, I've decided to go into juicing instead to minimise the need for cooking.  You know dinner is our time for us to download the day's events so now there is no one who can take your place!

There are so much in my heart that I need to talk to you but would you be able to know?  Can you hear me or visit me?

It's been 3.5 months since you've departed.  On one hand I am happy as I believe you didnt suffer pain since you were heavily sedated.  Now you are carefree as a bird and I am struggling!  So unfair!

The usual morning home stress are evident and at times it seems to get worst by the day. At times I had to literally screamed before the noise subside!

Luv me always!

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