Thursday, October 3, 2013

Today on Thursday, 3 Oct


What would you have wanted me to do with all of your belongings?  How I wished we had talked about this even in jest!  Now I'm really unsure!  Hate the thought that I might do the wrong thing!!  At the moment I am leaving every of your belongings status quo!

Last evening, Wed, 2 Oct, one of the directors told me that she was told not to talk to me about your passing away.  I know they are concern but I think she shouldn't tell others not to talk about this.  I really felt like they don't care!  Why can't they approach me and console me?  Perhaps unless she had experienced death of a loved one, she will not know the feeling.  Anyway. whatever the case, don't preach to others.

In fact the other day when I found out that a colleague's father passed away, I sent her a condolence note.  Then another of my colleagues said she didnt know if she should approach this other colleague and offer her condolence.  I told her it should be ok to speak with the colleague who had just lost her dad.  I think sometimes people should ask themselves what if it was them who had lost their loved one?  Would they be sad that people just pretended nothing happened?

Taking the MRT daily is a really stressful experience!  Every trip is full of passengers plus some are so disgustingly smelly even in the morning!  Not sure whether breathing through my mouth is better than nose!!  Also, lately the MRT either moves slower, delayed at the station or there will be an announcement about the train ahead is delayed!

All the comfort in my life is gone and really nothing else for me to look forward to!

Luv ya always !!

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