Thursday, November 21, 2013

Day 167 on 21 Nov: Living Without My Darling Husband

Was super tired when I got up this morning!  Last night I had a dream that we were both running away from don't know where.  Seems like it was an endless run to some unknown place and from some unknown location too!

Last evening I baked banana chocolate chip muffins for sampling in office as my office is raising funds for the Philippines typhoon victims.  Can't help thinking of how you always encourage me with your very positive feedback.

My colleagues liked the muffins and I'm happy with their feedback too though I had to disappoint some of them.  I didnt bring enough for all to sample!

Busy day in office too!  My boss finally got his new toys and the telco screwed up on the SIM cards.  A 5 min activation job by the Telco took forever!  Then to make matters worst, they sent the wrong type of SIM card.  OMG!  I went over to the telco shop to get the change done.  Luckily there's one near my office.  After getting the replacement sorted, I walked over to MBFC to pass the new toys to him.  As always, managed to get everything in order but it's not without a lot of stress!  Phew!!

Going to bake again tonight!!

Bought marshmallows to add into the muffins but changed my mind.  The marshmallows became really sticky when I cut them into smaller pieces.  I added mashed banana and slivered almonds instead.  Also, I got a tip from a colleague who told me that she heard from a known chef to first toast whatever nuts to be used in baking.  Toasting the nuts before adding into the cakes, give the nuts a crispy bite!

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