Thursday, November 7, 2013

154 Days of Living Without You

It's the parent-teacher meet today but actually I was rather reluctant to go.  I was afraid that Mikaail's teacher and/or his therapists might sympathise with me over your demise.  I know lots of people care for us but I am still not ready to let go.  Inside of me, I am still longing for your!!

Anyway, I took time off to go to the school as I've practically used up all of my 2012 and 2013 annual leave entitlement in June when your low risk procedure got all screwed up!

Nowadays I travel mainly by mrt and bus.  Worst case I'll have to get a taxi.  You know how costly this is but what choice do I have?  For the teacher-parent meeting, I took the mrt to Yishun then boarded service 39.  The queue was rather long at the bus interchange and there were about 10 passengers ahead of me who didnt want to board the bus!  I had to come out of the queue to board the bus and ended standing for quite a bit of the journey! No wonder they didnt want to board the bus!  There were several stretches of non-stop route to the school!

This is the year-end teacher-parent meet and it does not include the therapists.  Mikaail's teacher did a really nice scrapbook for him.

Also told the teacher my concern as Mikaail is now exceptionally quiet and he always say "Da da no more"  I always remind him that you are always in our hearts and you will always look over us.  He is also not eating well and gets fits at least once a day.  How much more does the fits affect his brain!

Apparently his teacher did arrange for a child psychologist to see him but this lady saw him twice then no further follow up as she said she was busy!  I told the teacher that there seems to be a disconnect.  Is paperwork more important that attending to a child who had lost his beloved parent>>  His teacher said will follow up with the head of the department though it is unlikely to happen since school holidays start next Thursday, 14 Nov.

Busy day back in the office too!  Luckily the weather wasnt too hot as I had to board any bus to pasir ris MRT then to office!

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