Wednesday, November 20, 2013

166 Days of Living Without My Darling Husband Alex Tan

It rained this morning.  Haven't slept well nowadays.  I'll fall asleep between 10 and 11 pm then awake around 3 am before I have to get up a 5am!  So much on my mind: work, home, Mikaail, Mariah and Marie.  With you gone, there's absolutely no other who will understand my thoughts.

On the work front, changes are plentiful.  There's going to be another move ie one level down.  Still in planning stage though so I'm going to be super busy with the move again real soon.  Also with the changes in the management .. some job responsibilities are conveniently transferred to yours truly.  I'm supposed to review this though but have not had the chance to really give it enough thought  Just so much to do.  Urgh!!!!!

On the home front - Mariah is very keen for us to stay over.  It's easier for me really since the mrt journey is halved.  Regardless of where we stay Mikaail still needs a taxi to send him to school.  So there is no difference as far as transportation is concerned.  My concern really is both the adults do not see eye to eye after all these years!  With you out of the picture, it does get a bit overbearing sometimes.  Marie do test Mariah's patience too!  Much as I hate to intervene I've got no choice.  It is so annoying especially in the morning plus I dislike Mikaail having to listen and feel all the negative vibes

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