Saturday, December 14, 2013

Day 190 on 14 Dec: Living without My Darling Husband

190 days flew by so quickly!  You are still so fresh in our minds so much so that Mikaail is now asking if you are busy!  I, while I know you are gone forever, still hope to have you back with us.  Silly but we really missed you so much!  There are no more happy memories to look forward to!

Just a couple of days ago, an uncle of mine, was admitted in TTSH for 2 ballooning on 30 November and was discharged on 3 December!  How much older is he?  Lots!  So I still cant accept that the procedure you went for which was relatively common caused you, your life!

Do you know how envious I became whenever I see couples holding hands lovingly?  Reminded me of us!  We usually held hands while we walked home after work even from the carpark!  Now, I always walk by myself from the MRT!  Occasionally I still do shed tears while in the MRT!  Sometimes a thought came into my mind then it triggered the sadness.  When I talked about you, I still shed tears and I will quickly compose myself.  I just have to be more aware of how I should control my emotions better.  

Our weekends nowadays are so depressing!  Today Mikaail had fits twice!  He said he wanted to listen to the music.  You know how he would wave his hand in the air?  Now he didnt.  He is pretty much in a world of his own!  

So many things to pack and lots to remind me of you.  Not that I will ever forget you as we've been married for close to 20 years!  

While clearing up the place today to prepare for the move next weekend, I came across this photo

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