Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Day 186 on 10 Dec 13: Living Without My Darling Husband

Very concerned with Mikaail's emotional state.  Even when we bring him out he is still in a world of his own!  He is much quieter now and when he speaks, it's very soft - so difficult to hear him!

Smooth ride in the mrt this morning and I arrived at Rafflles Place just under 40 minutes.  Also I got the free ride.  Never did I think I will ever benefit from this free ride since you have always driven me to work all the time!  In the MRT this morning, there was free entertainment in the MRT, compliments of an old man playing his harmonica beautifully.  Just as I was enjoying his music, he got off at City Hall station.

Oh ya - do you ever think there will ever be a riot in Singapore now?  I didn't.  Well, it happened last Sunday though!

I'm getting close to moving to TP and have informed Cindy and Diana plus my siblings - all via sms!  They have all been supportive.  Anyway, after living so long with you by my side, it's really tough for me to move on and pick up the pieces.

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