Monday, December 9, 2013

Day 185 on 9 Dec: Living Without My Darling Husband

Mikaail really has no clue that you are never coming back!  He don't understand the meaning of death at all.  Today he asked to be near you like in normal days.  Now it is in a different situation and I really don't know how to help him!  I've asked Rose for help previously and have just sent her a reminder to ask Shahid to say some prayers for him.

So you see, we both were in a way, shortchanged!  We are definitely unprepared for you to leave this world so soon!

What have you been doing there?  Is there life there?  I'm curious and at the same time I am worried about experimenting getting in touch with you!  Maybe you can get in touch with me - of course I was referring to you coming in my dreams!  It's 185 days to be exact from the time you left both of us!  I have yet to get around to clear your wardrobe as I will be moving this over to TP.  I cant even bear to open your wardrobe!  Too much of a heartache!!

Busy day at work today, as always!

Oh, btw, the charity bake we had earlier this month, raised a total of S$5,026 and all the bakers including me (!), donated the cost of ingredients for this effort. Then I understand that a total of US$30K was raised and given to Philippines to help the Haiyan victims.

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