Thursday, July 2, 2009

Success Creed

I have the power to choose.
What I choose in life is what I get.
What I think is what I get.
I move in the direction of my thoughts.
I think I can, I can.
I think I cannot, I cannot.
I think big, I become big.
I think small, I become small.
I think positive, I become positive
I think negative, I become negative.
I think hate, I become hateful
I think love, I become lovable
I become what I think about.
The me I see, is the me I will be.

For things to change, I must change first.
Whatever I can conceive and believe I can achieve.
If it possible for others, it is possible for me.
It is only a question of strategy.

I focus on my goals and take action towards them constantly.
There is no failure. There is only feedback.
I will change my strategy and do whatever it takes to succeed.
I will make today much better than yesterday.

I shall pass through this world but once.
Any good thing that I can do or any kindness that I can show to any human being, let me do it now and not defer it for I will not pass this way again.

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