Thursday, July 2, 2009

My Dieting Strategy

In order to lose my 6 - 8 kgs, I have decided that with effect from Friday, 3 July 09, I will work towards reducing my weight by restarting my dieting routine as follows:


2 hardboiled egg whites for breakfast, 1 packet of wheat biscuits (3 pieces) and 1 mug of milo/horlicks to go with my vitamins.


7 pieces of yong tau fu items, preferably non fried items and without noodles or rice

Afternoon snack

1 packet of wheat biscuits (3 pieces)

1 cup of iced coffee


Half a bowl of white rice

Half a fish


Half an hour of cycling and u-robic exercise daily.

10 minutes each of stretching for warming up and cooling down exercises

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