Sunday, May 25, 2014

Day 352 on 25 May 14: Living Without My Darling Husband

The days passed extremely fast and today is 352 days since you left us and we missed you so.  While I am doing my best to manage living without your love and constant support, Mikaail is falling into depression.  He is not eating well and sleeps much more. If you ask him to smile, he will and that is about all he would do.  

We were in Woodlands yesterday to clear up the house and hopefully rent it out instead of keeping it empty since we are all staying with Mariah.  Sometimes I feel that the disadvantages outweigh the advantages especially mental rather than physical .  Marie nowadays retaliate Mariah's instruction and sometimes the tone of her response is louder than normal speech.  When I am home, it is almost non-existent or minimal.  Usually I will remind her to watch her tone.  

I've started applying essential oils on the soles of Mikaail's feet and also diffuse some of the oils.  I'm replacing Zell-V with NingXia Red for him and I feel there is some effect.  Also, today I told him that if he misses you, just say a prayer for you and to ask Allah to take care of you for him.  This also seems to have a positive effect on him.

Please come visit me.  I miss you dearly.

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