Thursday, April 17, 2014

Day 314 on 17 Apr 14: Living Without My Darling Husband

Had lunch with my colleagues yesterday at Hjh Maimunah at Jalan Pisang.  Thought of taking Mikaail there then I realised that it's almost impossible for a wheelchair user to get off the Bugis MRT station without having to go one big merry-round!

Tomorrow is Good Friday so my plan is to visit you. Hope you will see me too. Love n miss u muuuuuuch!

BTW, Mikaail had 3 major seizure attacks this early this morning so didn't send him to school. As always after an attack he will doze off!

One of the trigger factors for seizures is extreme stress. I believe it's bcos of your sudden demise and his inability to understand death that's causing the seizures!

Chat tmrw!!
posted from Bloggeroid

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