Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Day 298 on 1 April 2014: Living without My Darling Husband

Gosh it's been so long since I last update my blog though I do update my notes to you daily!!  Did u see me last Friday? I was there in the morning and chatted with you.  Arrived later than usual as the mrt had some track fault.

I read the paragraphs in italics from the On Islam website: http://www.onislam.net/english/ask-about-islam/faith-and-worship/islamic-creed/461421-husbands-death.html

The dead hear the living ones: It is stated in the hadiths that those in graves hear the ones who speak while visiting them and respond to their salutations.

It is thawab to plant a tree at one’s grave. There are hadiths stating that a tree planted at a grave will be a reason to ease the dead person’s agony.  

I didnt want to plant a tree as I am afraid the roots might reach deep down and entangle your bones!  I still see you in my mind's eye and I really miss your kisses and hugs!

And poor Mikaail he has been having seizures on a daily basis ranging from 3 to 8 attacks.  Today he didn't go to school as after 3 major seizure attacks plus 2 minor attacks, he was too tired cos he can hardly stay awake!  He woke up at just past midnight and said he wanted the Hi-5 CD for his music class!  Didnt want to go back to sleep so I had to pacify him but to no avail.

When I got back from work today, he was also sleeping!  Then he was awake for less than 10 minutes when he had another minor attack!  Post seizure and he fell asleep again!

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