Saturday, February 9, 2013

What A Surprise!

I had a really pleasant surprise on Friday, 8 February 2013 when my boss, Mr Jordi Martin, made a wonderful recognition speech at the company’s CS Success Presentation.  He did a quick survey around the Singapore office and found that we are about the longest serving Manager-PA relation who had worked together for the past 11 years in Singapore!  He said he remembered arriving in Singapore with his family on 2 February 2002 and that he left his security and support in the Sydney office.  He has never met me before and was told that I am fantastic!.  He said, “we have a fantastic working relationship together and anything that had resulted in him being successful and the business successful, a lot is contributed by Normah and the incredible effort that she had put forward.”  WOW!  I am super touched!

Earlier in the day, I told Jordi that I’m really excited that I will be getting my new laptop!  Then when I went to IT department to collect my brand new Dell 3360 Volstro, the IT procurement manager did not want to provide me with a new mouse!  She said I should have been comfortable with my existing mouse.  My old laptop will be reassigned to another user and this user will take the new mouse instead!  I cant see the logic!  Anyway while I was working on an email with him, I told him that I am so pissed about not getting the new mouse!

In Jordi’s appreciation speech he told the group about me getting excited about my new laptop and taking delivery of it and how I grumbled in his ears about not getting the new mouse!  It was really funny when he presented me with a new Microsoft Wireless Mouse which, according to him, can work on glass!  It was really so funny!!!

Then on top of all this, he also gave me a large bouquet of flowers!  I’m so happy!  That’s why I’ve always said to my outside office friends that when you work with an understanding boss who really appreciates your efforts, you should stay.  The grass is not always greener on the other side!

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