Thursday, July 2, 2009

Success Creed

I have the power to choose.
What I choose in life is what I get.
What I think is what I get.
I move in the direction of my thoughts.
I think I can, I can.
I think I cannot, I cannot.
I think big, I become big.
I think small, I become small.
I think positive, I become positive
I think negative, I become negative.
I think hate, I become hateful
I think love, I become lovable
I become what I think about.
The me I see, is the me I will be.

For things to change, I must change first.
Whatever I can conceive and believe I can achieve.
If it possible for others, it is possible for me.
It is only a question of strategy.

I focus on my goals and take action towards them constantly.
There is no failure. There is only feedback.
I will change my strategy and do whatever it takes to succeed.
I will make today much better than yesterday.

I shall pass through this world but once.
Any good thing that I can do or any kindness that I can show to any human being, let me do it now and not defer it for I will not pass this way again.

My Dieting Strategy

In order to lose my 6 - 8 kgs, I have decided that with effect from Friday, 3 July 09, I will work towards reducing my weight by restarting my dieting routine as follows:


2 hardboiled egg whites for breakfast, 1 packet of wheat biscuits (3 pieces) and 1 mug of milo/horlicks to go with my vitamins.


7 pieces of yong tau fu items, preferably non fried items and without noodles or rice

Afternoon snack

1 packet of wheat biscuits (3 pieces)

1 cup of iced coffee


Half a bowl of white rice

Half a fish


Half an hour of cycling and u-robic exercise daily.

10 minutes each of stretching for warming up and cooling down exercises

My 2010 Goals

  1. Create opportunities to earn passive income of S$10K by Dec 2010.

  2. Create my personal blog to share my adapted home cooked recipes.

  3. Create blog on my son, Mikaail, who is has cerebral palsy and also had stroke in 2006. I hope to share my experience with other parents of special needs children in order that we can learn from each other.

  4. Read books on wealth creation by Adam Khoo and Conrad Alvin Lim as well as books on internet marketing by Stuart Tan.

  5. Listen to audio CDs on wealth creation and personal excellence programme by Adam Khoo and Anthony Robbins.

  6. Lose 6 - 8 kg and 3"of my waist by end 2010. I aim to reduce the amount of snacks I consumed and also by careful watch of food intake.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

It's My Life

Personally I enjoy cooking and baking and I consider these as my hobby. I only started cooking and baking after my son had stroke in January 2006 as a step towards bonding with him. He knows that after my weekly marketing on Saturdays, I will either cook or bake something either on Saturday or Sunday.

Since I've started baking and cooking, I've done several types of cakes, muffins, cookies, dishes. I will be sharing my recipes on my blog. The feedback I've received so far has always been very encouraging. I've even given them to friends to sample.