Saturday, December 24, 2011


It's more than 6 months now since my mum left me on 28 September 2011 yet I still feel like she is just away from my home to either my brother's home or her own home in Toa Payoh.  I want to remember my mum this way!

There are instances when I could sniff the "kemiyan" smell.  Just the other day I asked one of my sisters whether my mum could just visit her own family anytime or at specific times. She told me that though she is not an expert in this field, the smell of such are due to the "invisible" passing by.  These can be in any form ie shapes, smell or may even resemble people we know.

She only know that when a person is dead, all is gone except:
  1. children who are pious who will pray for the deceased
  2. the deceased good deeds such as donation
  3. religious learnings
So it is encouraged that the children pray and offer special prayers for the deceased as whatever the children do will have impact on the deceased.

Also another thing that I heard was sending my mum's soul to perform the "haj".  I am unsure about this bit as it's practically paying for someone to perform the haj on my mum's behalf!  Need to get more information on this though between another of my sister, we already started the account..

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