Saturday, February 19, 2011

Family Gathering

My next family gathering is scheduled for this Saturday, 26 Feb.  Original venue was supposed to be at Asmah's house but this is now changed to my mum's place instead.  Good as well since it will be quite difficult otherwise for my mum.

I am excited about this gathering as I felt that it is really important to have this kind of social gathering when everyone is happy and relaxed.  The theme for this month's gathering is "Rice Dumpling".

What I intend to do is to prepare the glutinous rice - a couple of variations - also a couple of variations for the fillings.  I've also asked Rose if she could get coconut leaves so we could use the dumpling ingredients for the ketupat.

The intention of the family gathering is to meet once in 2 months on the last Saturday of the month.  So after this month's session, it will be in April ie Saturday, 30 April.  As it's a long weekend, maybe we could all travel up to JB - Asmah's resort home on Friday, 29 April and stay the weekend.  Sounds like a good idea to me!  Will discuss with the rest when we meet this Saturday.

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