Monday, March 21, 2011

How to Achieve Ideal Weight

The first thing that comes to mind when thinking of losing weight is to exercise.  I've signed up with a ladies only gym about a year ago in the hope of meeting my weight loss goals.  Due to time constraint, I was unable to go for training regularly.

What I've realised is that while exercising does help in losing the excess weight, this may not be as successful as one might like.  Exercise on its one may not be easy to do everyday for the rest of one's life.  I came across an article on Eating Your Way to an Ideal Weight and here's why:

1kg of fat contains 9000 calories.  An average 60kg person walking at 4 miles per hour will take 28 hours of walking to "burn" off 1kg of fat.  For the general population this does seem unrealistic.   Also not many people realise the extensive exercise needed to "burn" off their favourite treats.  For example, if you consume 1 glass of red wine, you would need to jog for at least 35 minutes to "burn" off the calories.  1 plate of chicken rice would mean 2 hours of jogging and 3.5 hours of swimming if you eat 1 Big Mac Meal.

So exercise does play a part in maintaining weight by burning off some extra calories.  Exercise is also important for a healthy heart.  Looking at the exercises needed to burn off the extra calories, it would be best to just eat vegetables!

I would think that the most successful method of weight loss is through managing your diet.  Through reading several magazines, I've come to the conclusion that it is completely possible to eat and lose weight at the same time.  This method is how you will be most successful.

As the saying goes, you are what you eat.  This simply means the types of food you choose will help you lose weight and also be healthy at the same time, making it possible to eat your way to ideal weight.

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