Sunday, November 25, 2012

Mum's Passing Away

How time flies! My mum had departed from this world more than a year already and I feel like it was just so recent!  In fact it was in 2011 that she passed on.  The date & event still fresh in my mind and there are many times when I wished she is still alive!

On Monday 26 Sept 11 she called me in the office to say she wanted to go to the hospital.  I rushed home & upon reaching home, I called the ambulance.  In order for the SCDF ambulance to pick her, she would be sent to Khoo Teck Puat Hospital since this hospital is the closest to my home.  So I had to arrange for a private ambulance to pick her and they can send her to Tan Tock Seng Hospital since she all her treatment had been with Tan Tock Seng Hospital. 

When I got home I noticed that she looked rather weak & she also complained of difficulty breathing.  I told her that the ambulance is on it's way & that she will be alright. That was about the last time we spoke!

After the A&E formalities, she was wheeled into the ward. Then her regular doctor came - don't know his name but my sister recognised him as my mum regular doctor. Usually when I visit my mum during her hospital stays, it is during visiting hours & doctors generally do not see patients during visiting hours.  I feel this is to minimise their stress from attending to queries from patients' families!!

Anyhow, this doctor showed us the x-rays taken after my mum was discharged earlier in September and of x-rays taken at A&E upon admission. He said that looking at these x-rays & my mum's current condition, it will be difficult for her to sustain.  She would have to go through several other operations to insert tubes to remove the fluid in her lung. This will of course be painful for her and she had previously said that she would not want to go through the pain over and over again. No one can tell how many times she would need to go through the process.

So taking into account the pain my mum went through over the past months especially the most recent months when she groaned in pain in the middle of the night, her inability to eat, the little fluid she's allowed to drink plus of course this doctor's suggestion, we decided to let her go on condition that the hospital is able to not let her feel any pain so it will be peaceful departure for her. All of this happened on Monday evening.

Looking back the whole process was a bit flawed! Who wouldn't be dead if there's absolutely no treatment other than being administered with calming medication when the person is seriously ill!! That's what my mum was given from the day she was admitted right up to when she left this world!

Then on day 3 also the final day, another doctor came to see mum & my brother was there. The doctor told him to the effect that if treatment was given she could have lived but now it's too late! I could have punched my mum regular doctor! He gave us the notion that it was beyond hope and now this guy seems to think that it is possible! Idiots!!

My mum left me that day on Wednesday, 28 September around 1:30 pm though her last breath was a bit earlier but a doctor need to come and certify that she is gone so this takes a bit more time!

A couple of weeks after mum left, I had a dream. Mum was walking towards my home in a pink coloured dress. She looked happy but she couldn't come into my home as my immediate neighbour had lots of unwanted stuff stacked up along the corridor and was blocking her way.  She saw me and we both looked at each other and she smiled. Thinking back does this mean that mum is ok that she left this world? 

Personally if I could turn back time, I would have insisted that the doctor should cure her first with the least painful option. Then at least maybe mum can really say her peace! Her jewelleries, not that there are tonnes, could be distributed to whoever she wants rather than fall into someone else hands out of convenience!

Monday, July 23, 2012


Imagine life as a game in which you are juggling some five balls in the air.  They are Work, Family, Health, Friends and Spirit and you’re keeping all of these in the air.

You will soon understand that Work is a rubber ball. If you drop it, it will bounce back. But the other four balls ie Family, Health, Friends and Spirit are made of glass. If you drop one of these, they will be irrevocably scuffed, marked, nicked, damaged or even shattered. They will never be the same. You must understand that and strive for it.

Work efficiently during office hours and leave on time. Give the required time to your family, friends and have proper rest.

Value has a value only if its value is valued.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

My Big Regret - My Mum's Passing Away

More than 6 months have passed since my mum passed on.  Yet, I am still full of regrets!  I felt that if I had asked my mum what she prefersabd when I brought her to the hospital, perhaps would be better.  My mum was in pain, for sure otherwise she would not have called me in the office as she had never once called me or ask any of my previous maids to do so.  Also, she was willing to go to the hospital!

I was the one who brought her to the hospital.  I booked a private ambulance to drive her to Tan Tock Seng Hospital otherwise the ambulance will just drive my mum to the nearest hospital ie Khoo Teck Puat Hospital since she is staying in my home.  That was about the last that I spoke with my mum.  I suppose I didn't expect that was the last time I saw her alive or be able to speak with her.  I was in the A&E ward for a couple of hours as there were some tests and x-rays the hospital need to do upon admission. 

Anyhow, soon after her admission to the ward, the attending doctor told my sister, my husband and I the seriousness of my mum’s condition.  He showed us my mum’s X-rays taken upon her discharge earlier in September and also upon her admission at the A&E.  Her lungs were full of fluid and to extract the fluid, there would be some tube inserted into her and this she had said before was very painful.

The doctor went on to explain the process of how much pain my mum would have to go through if we want to try and save her.  Inevitably we will be trying to prolong her life and putting her through lots more pain! 

Yes, we all wanted to relieve her of her pain but I felt that if she was given a chance to decide, then she would have known who is the right person to take over the ownership of her house as well as her CPF monies.  At least whoever took the ownership of her house and her monies got them with her blessings!  Right now, I doubt it!

Up until now, I am unable to let go.  I still feel the lump in my throat that I should have taken the chance to speak with my mum on her wishes.  I never did.  I guess I didn't think that she will leave this world so soon!  I feel really guilty that I did what I did.  Sometimes when there is a heavy downpour, I feel worst as I just feels like my mum will be struggling under the tonnes of soil plus the tiles.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

2012 Chinese New Year Dinner

Initially I was not too keen on preparing anything special for dinner especially after my mum passed away last September.  This is the first year that CNY is exceptionally quiet!  I've given up visiting anyone during the CNY eversince Mikaail had stroke and eventually lost his vision!

Anyhow, we still need to eat dinner and so I thought life has to go on and perhaps just cook something a bit different from the normal canned/prepacked stuff.

We subsequently had dinner with 3 of my sisters the following week:

Getting ready for yusheng to bring in the
fortune and good luck for the family

Tucking into sumptuous dinner - home cooked!

R & R after dinner